The company has been recognized as one of the top 12 companies led by young enterpreneurs ou of over 500 companies across africa, according to Africa Leadership Academy. In addition to this our company has been listed in several international newspapers, as (CNN, African Voices, How We Made in Africa, The Guardian Tanzania, Modena Today, Rise Up Africa and others).
30 Most Promising Young Entrepreneurs In Africa 2017
Co-Founder, SunSweet Solar
23-year-old George Mtemahanji is the founder of SunSweet Solar, a solar photovoltaic company based in Tanzania. SunSweet Solar designs and installs Solar Off-Grid Systems, Solar Mini and Micro Grid Systems.
Resto del Carlino
Quando l'audacia incontra l'ingegno si crea un qualcosa che va oltre le aspettative, oltre l'immaginazione. quando si hanno le idee chiare e una grande forza di volontà si riesce a costruire, passo dopo passo, un progetto in grado di cambiare la vita delle persone. Proprio su questi pilastri nasce la storia di "SunSweet Solar".
He figured out a way to bring clean, affordable power to people who were off the grid.
Of the more than 51 million people living in Tanzania, 70% don't have electricity at all, either because they’re not connected to the energy grid, or, if they are, they still don't have electricity due to poor connections and frequent outages.
Four Young Entrepreneurs Making the World a Better Place